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8 Sep 02 - Highlights from big jock weekend

Man, did the Browns game stink! What a horrible way to lose.

25 Aug 02 -Hello again. A lot has changed since I last posted. After almost thirteen years in the Boston area and nine years at the same apartment in Somerville, I moved to Chicago this spring. As the move was work related, I could hire people to move my crap, which I must say is the way to move. I work from home and am within walking distace of the lake, Wrigley Field and the Chicago Diner, so, basically, things are good.

I think the MLB players will go on strike on Friday, but they will be back before the end of the season. At least I hope that's the case, especially since there is no longer the distraction of the Little League World Series.

Speaking of the Little League World Series, there are some in the media who have written that by televising these games, the kids are being exploited for the benefit of adults and isn't that terrible. Now, I am not a big fan of travelling teams for young kids (I think Little League is about as your as it should go. Travel teams for six-year-olds is just stupid, and if you have your kid involved in one, I think you're stupid, too.) but I don't think televising the Little League World Series is the worse thing that can happen to a child. What does bother me though is when the shot pans to the parents in the stands, more often than not they are noticeably overweight. Personally, I think not showing your kid how to live a healthy life is much worse than putting like four games in his entire baseball career on national TV.

A little advice for the people walking, bicycling, skating, running or otherwise ambulating along the lakefront path here in Chicago... "on your left" is the polite way of saying, "move your slow carcass over to the right so I can pass you without hitting oncoming traffic." On a ride the other day, I had multiple instances of shouting "on your left" and getting no response. I suppose it's possible that these people were deaf (in which case, maybe they should use their eyes a little better and not walk in the middle of the path where people might be passing) or don't speak English (If you're living here, learn it. If you're just visiting, you probably think all Americans are packing heat and would just love to shoot you, in which case, what are you doing trying to provoke us?) but I think these people were just stupid or clueless or oblivious or all of the above.

Other Places to Go

You can visit my brother. He's even updated his page recently.

The Lame Page is back!

While I transition everything, the Old Yamaya! is still open for business. No need for a time machine if you want to find out what I was like six years ago; just click on the link that says 'Old Yamaya!"

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